Image source: https://innerself.com/content/images/2014/460x175/affordable_yoga.jpg
Many people do need to cleanse their aura of negative
energy, but some psychics try to capitalize on the fear
surrounding the issue and charge outrageous fees. Too
often, the unscrupulous psychics who attempt to charge
such high rates dont fully understand the issue of
possession and how to successfully remove negative
energy, let alone the basic principle of karma (what goes
around comes around). These types of psychics are best
Negative energy can and does interfere with our lives. It
consists of others thoughts and feelings, earth bound or
lost souls, or on occasion, dark entities. Earth bound or
lost souls are the souls of people who have died but, for
various reasons, have not yet gone to the Light. Loved
ones who have died, gone to the Light, and now watch over
you do not fall into this category.
Symptoms of being influenced by negative energy or lost
souls are feelings of being blocked, unexplainable or extreme
anger, fears, sadness, depression, guilt, or anxiety, recurring
dreams or nightmares, relationship problems, unexplainable
physical symptoms, eating disorders, and the sudden onset
of cravings for or addictions to alcohol, drugs, sex or smoking
(especially if there are distinct personality changes while
under the influence).
Other signs include negative emotional or physical reactions
to the idea of cleaning your aura or spirit body (such as part
of you wanting to do it and part of you not wanting to do
it), reckless behavior, poor memory and concentration, hearing
inner voices (especially with negative messages), feelings of
being followed, feeling drained, sudden unexplainable physical
problems, and recurring dreams or nightmares.
The most common ways of picking up such unwanted and
uninvited energy is by weakening the energy field or aura
with alcohol, drugs, extremely emotionally trying circumstances,
or through sexual abuse, surgery, or illness. An almost
guaranteed way of picking up lost souls (also known as
spiritual hitchhikers) is by using drugs or drinking excessively
and then walking through a hospital or cemetery. Unwanted,
uninvited energy can also attach before birth, during birth,
and during childhood.
Some ways to avoid picking up entities (especially important
if you are more spiritually sensitive) include the following:
* Avoid drugs and excess alcohol.
* Avoid negative people.
* Mentally surround yourself with White Light whenever you think
of it several times each day. Picture a bright light shining out
from your solar plexus, surrounding, and protecting you whenever
you think of it. Ask for assistance from God and/or guides of
the Light.
* Mentally fill your home and/or office daily with White Light.
* Burn sage to help clear your energy field and residence.
Upon hearing about the concept of entity possession or
attachment, many people think of the movie The Exorcist.
While the subject of possession was exaggerated in the
movie for dramatic effect, entity possession or attachment
can and does happen. Sometimes the symptoms of entity
attachment are very subtle and go unnoticed, and sometimes
a person can literally be taken over by one or more entities,
sometimes dark, even from or before birth.
There are several books written about this subject, such as
The Unquiet Dead, by Dr. Edith Fiore. In her book, Dr. Fiore
explains that after people die, they usually go to the Light,
as written about in many life after death books. Sometimes,
however, souls dont go to the Light for various reasons and
instead remain earthbound. This is especially true in certain
cases where someone dies angry, an addict of sex or any
substance, or if they die a violent or sudden death. These souls
resist going into the Light for various reasons and instead seek
out and merge with someone in a physical body who can feed
their addiction, has similar feelings of anger, depression, or
other fears, or they may stay in close proximity to loved ones
they knew while in a physical body. Often the intense feelings
at the time of death are held onto and then felt by whomever the
entity attaches to or merges with. Even though most entities
dont mean any harm they may still drain the energy of the host,
causing tiredness or depression, and the host may easily mistake
the entities thoughts and desires as his/her own.
Other books on the subject include SpiritReleasement Therapy
by William J. Baldwin, D.D.S, Ph.D., RemarkableHealings by
Shakuntala Modi, M.D., and Remote Depossession by Irene
Hickman, D.O.
Some experts and therapists who help clients release entities
believe that 85% or more of the population may have entities
around them or within them that are interfering with their
The subject of entity attachment may seem frightening, but
theres really nothing to fear. It is simply energy that needs
to be firmly directed to the proper place.
Copyright 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo